Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Climbing and Abseiling with Group 9!
Benmore will stick with me forever. I will never forget going abseiling.
After being told what we were going to do, we rushed to get changed and ready for going out on the activity. Before long we were up and getting our helmets and harness on. The instructor gave me a parachute harness and said that I was so good at climbing "wooooooo". Everyone except Alex H had a normal climbing harness. They all said that it was because I was smaller than the others.
  The indoor climbing centre wasn’t very far away, but we still drove in the mini bus to get there. Having got to the indoor climbing centre, where our instructors (Brian and Graham) gave us a challenge; we had to go all the way round without falling off below a certain point. Most people did very well but I am not impressed with myself. Alex H did very well and got all the way round. A little later we were split into groups: Alex H, Eilidh.C,Matthew and me. Eilidh.C did very well she concurred her fear, well done Eilidh.C!!! On one of the walls I was abseiling or floating down in my case! I waved my arms up and down like a fairy in a show.
   No matter how high we had to climb, I still wanted to get to the top. When I climbed up I went faster than my instructor expected. As I abseiled down, I went quite slowly but managed to touch the ground.We  had so much fun and I am sure everyone else did too!!!!
By Esther :)

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