Wow! Another brilliant day! Today we went gorge walking and it was fab! First we were all on the comfy minibus kitted out in our attractive waterproofs, all eager to start.
Soon after we arrived at the gorge. We got told to stay as dry as possible but none of us listened because we all stepped straight into the thunderous gorge. We all regretted it though! I thought the gorge walk we would be wading through would be a burn about a metre deep but it was actually completely different. It was shallow and quite rocky and instead of wading through water we walked on the rock.
A bit later we came to this steep, rocky bit where we had to climb up. It was a little tricky but I managed it...
After that we came to an interesting hole with a water fall going through it. Angela our fabulous instructor said it was called the 'keyhole' and that we were going through it. I was a bit nervous but I wanted to do it. She did say there was another route up some log. But everyone wanted to do the harder way though, even Casey. Olly went through it first then it was me. When I went through it I thought I would get wet but it wasn't that bad. Maybe our attractive waterproofs are not so bad after all! Watching the others come through was interesting. It looked like a baby being born!
Then we came to the famous 'Rock of Africa' (it is called the rock of Africa because it is a rock shaped like Africa). I really wanted to go under it because my big brother Jamie hadn't. We got told to get onto our knees, turn our heads to the side and go for it. I managed, however, I was soaking wet afterwards. My pink gloves which had kept my hands dry so far now looked like they had just been in the washing machine!
Finally we came to the slides at the top. I only went down once because I was very cold. The good thing was that we got delicious, warm juice that cheered us all up and had a little walk back to the minibus, longing for the famous Benmore cake back at the centre.
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