Monday, 27 February 2012

Gorge walk by Thomas

Today we went on the gorge walk and it was freezing! At the centre we were told to wear our red water proofs. I managed to stay dry for the first part of it but in the end I was soaked!

When we got there we crawled under a fallen down tree and climbed for a while. Then we went to the 'keyhole'. I crawled through it's gushing ice cold water and got completely soaked. It was fun but I was freezing by the time I got through it. It was worth it though.

After a while we got to the 'Rock of Africa'. (the rock of africa is a rock shaped like Africa that you can slide under). Me and Ben were the only ones who didn't go under it. Everybody who went under it was freezing (so I am glad I didn't). After that we climbed up a big rocky waterfall. There was a rope you could use but I decided not to. We kept climbing until we got to the end. Then we got a choice of if we wanted to slide down a waterfall. I chose to do it and was glad I did because it was so much fun.

When we got back to the centre we were all freezing cold and could hardly move!

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