Today group 5 went to the gorge and got very wet. It was fantastic fun. Angela, our instructor, met us in the back yard and told us what we would need for the day's events. We had to put our swimming costume on under our attractive, red waterproofs. Last but not least we had to put on our wellies. Angela our instructor had her eyes on Eimear's polka dot red wellies.
In the minibus everyone started singing silly songs like 'I am a banana'. This got us in the mood for an adventure!
At the gorge we started at the bottom of the gorge and worked our way up to the top of it.
When we got to the top of the gorge we were allowed to slide down the waterfall which was freezing like having tonnes of ice down your back.
I didn't go through the ' Rock of Africa ' which is a rock that looks like Africa as well as having tonnes of water streaming through it ,because I thought I would get stuck! I did go through the keyhole though which is a rock that you have to climb up with a glorious but absolutely freezing waterfall that came crashing down on us but despite how cold it was group 5 managed to get up it .
As our reward we got delicious hot juice and got to go down another freezing waterslide. After a fantastic day of Gorge Walking I was happy but it was such a shame that the experience was over because I would love to do it again! :(
Your day out gorge walking sounds lots of fun its a shame we can't go back isn't it though!