Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Adventurous Forest Walk Group 9

I have just returned from an adventurous forest walk! The views were spectacular. Group 9 entertained me the whole way and the hot chocolate at the top was well worth the climb! What a fabulous team, supporting one another and having fun! Esther managed to fall nearly 60 times (and the rest). The mud mask did make us all smile! Away abseiling, wish me luck! This lovely group are: Sam, Alex A, Alex H, Matthew, Keir, Mairi, Kirsty, Olivia K, Eilidh Cline and Esther.

Mrs Watson


  1. Wow! Sounds great though abseiling seems a scary prospect. Great you're all having so much fun! ;D


  2. I'm looking out the window for you coming home... XXX SP

  3. Goood luck! XXX

    Mr. Goood

  4. Sounds like fun! Let's hear more about Group 9 please.

    Eilidh Cline's family
